Company news

03 December 2010

Company GENE is the winner of the best innovative project competition!


Company’s GENE new project “Development of DNA-microarrays for cystic fibrosis diagnostics” was awarded by Saint-Patersburg Government premium for the best innovative project realized in a cluster. The final of competition was taken place in Sokos Hotel Palace Bridge on 1st of December. There were 13 companies with their projects, which were strived for victory in six categories. Projects’ presentations were introduced in the modern PECHA-KUCHA format (www.pecha-kucha.org). According with this format presenter had to show 20 pictures with 20-seconds explanation for each one. Project of company GENE was introduced by the head of GENE Grigory Demin.  “Development of DNA-microarrays for cystic fibrosis diagnostics” has been realized by the first molecular genetics cluster, which include nine companies. Representing this project Grigory Demin spoke about main point of this work:

- Cystic fibrosis is a common disease which affects the entire body, causing progressive disability and often early death . It is caused by a mutation in the gene for the protein cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). In Russia average lifetime for persons with this disease is equal 16 years and treatment is very difficult and expensive. Nowadays modern knowledge of genetics, medicine and biology allow to detect mutations, which lead to cystic fibrosis development. The test system, which has been produced by GENE company, allows to detect 25 mutation of CFTR gene. Thanks to detection of these mutations we can get an opportunity to realize screening among all newborns, and diagnose this disease in the pre-symptomatic period. Also this test system can be used in neonatal diagnostics as part of national project “ZDOROV’E” in order to prevent high risk of baby’s illness or mens’ sterility. This very important project was awarded prize in the Medicine category.